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fungal components rs3

Haddad Momeni M, Leth ML, Sternberg C, Schoof E, Nielsen MW, Holck J, Workman CT, Hoof JB, Abou Hachem M. Biotechnol Biofuels. On average, they were measuring for 6 h day−1. ISME J. doi: 10.1038/srep35825, Li, G. F., Liu, K. X., Xiao, Q., Lu, Y. Y., Xue, C. S., and Wang, G. Q. Identification of fusarium species associated with soybean root rot in Sichuan Province, China. Biochem. Details of experimental design and management history have been described in a previous study (Qiao et al., 2015). Sci. (2016). Some studies have reported that Boeremia caused stem rot of Origanum dubium in Oregano (Origanum dubium Boiss) and black rot of artichoke (Cynara scolymus) in California (Koike et al., 2016; Samouel et al., 2016). Taxonomic cladogram produced from the LEfSe analysis. BioControl 54, 273–286.

Furthermore, spores of actinomycetes can be smaller than bacteria, so they are present more often in the PM1 fraction. CS, long-term continuous soybean cropping; DI, soybean root disease incidence; EC, empty cysts of soybean cyst nematodes; FC, full cysts of soybean cyst nematodes; OTUs, operational taxonomic units; PCoA, principal coordinate analysis; Q-PCR, quantitative real-time PCR; RS, soybean rotation; SS, 2-year continuous soybean cropping.

Figure 3. Acta Agric. Table 1 presents aerodynamic diameters (dae) of fungi in aerosols and shows that fungi are often present as particles with dae between 2 and 6 μm. HL and FP performed the work. We used high-throughput sequencing methods to examine the fungal composition and functions during RS, 2-year short-term and 27-year long-term continuous soybean cropping systems in northeast China. PLoS One 9:e103891. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). Molecular characterization of piezotolerant and stress resistant mutants of Staphylococcus aureus. Field Crop. Compared with RS and SS, CS significantly increased the fungal abundance, which was 3.49- and 4.29-fold higher than that of RS and SS, respectively (Figure 1). Insights from the genome of the biotrophic fungal plant pathogen Ustilago maydis.
Pearson correlation coefficients between fungal community diversity and soybean yield.

However, it should be noted that CFU of fungi and β-glucan in total dust correlated positively and significantly with β-glucan and DNA–RNA particles in PM1 dust (Table 4). Continuous cropping of other plants, such as Pseudostellaria heterophylla, also increased the relative abundance of Fusarium, Clonostachys and Mortierella (Wu et al., 2016). On average, the total dust was sampled for 6 h and 36 min day−1. doi: 10.1016/S0378-4290(02)00042-4, Liu, X., Zhang, J., Gu, T., Zhang, W., Shen, Q., Yin, S., et al. First report of leaf spot of maize (Zea mays) caused by Bipolaris spicifera in China. doi: 10.1094/PDIS-93-2-0162, Li, X. G., Ding, C. F., Hua, K., Zhang, T. L., Zhang, Y. N., Zhao, L., et al. Exposure to microorganisms present as particles with different dae has mainly been measured with the Anderson sampler, and using this sampler, only cultivable microorganisms are quantified. With the development of high throughput sequencing technology, abundant information of soil microbial structure, diversity and function can be obtained, which can be used to thoroughly investigate changes in soil fungal community. Purified amplicons were pooled in equimolar concentrations and paired-end sequenced (2 × 300) on an Illumina MiSeq platform (Illumina, San Diego, CA, United States) according to the standard protocols by Majorbio Bio-Pharm Technology Co. Ltd. (Shanghai, China). We have measured a high exposure to ‘total bacteria’ (median = 3×104 m−3) with dae < 1 μm, even though cultivable bacteria are often reported as present in clusters or as associated with other particles (Table 1). Earlier studies have shown higher exposure to microbial components at biofuel plants in spring than in autumn (Madsen, 2006) and storage of biofuels outdoors over summer can cause an increase in the microbiological dustiness of biofuels (Sebastian et al., 2006). Soil sickness of peanuts is attributable to modifications in soil microbes induced by peanut root exudates rather than to direct allelopathy. doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1005685, Wang, J., Li, X., Zhang, J., Yao, T., Wei, D., Wang, Y., et al. Join Date: Dec 2014; 2983; Gender: Awards; Rsn: Mini … Hence, up to 6.2 × 105 ‘total bacteria’ m−3 were found in PM1 dust.

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